Heritage Farms
George Smith of Heritage Farms in Pataskala, Ohio is not your typical 75-year-old. Each and every day his barns are full of horses and people. His job starts early in the morning and goes into the evening to ensure the horses are receiving the best care. For Smith, having people and horses around is something that he truly enjoys. Read more on our blog about him HERE!
The Kovach Family - Owners of Grandma's and Grandpa's, Harold's Deli
If you stop by Grandma’s and Grandpa’s or Harold’s on an early morning there is a good chance you will run into the one person who is always there, Joe Kovach. Kovach starts his day off at 5:00 AM each morning when he and his wife change shifts. He spends most of his day operating his two locations Grandma’s and Grandpa’s and Harold’s. Learn more about Joe and his operation HERE!
Neil Rhonemus
If you are on Facebook one day with a little spare time, take the time to look up Uncle Squeals Pig Farm. Trust us, you won’t regret it. Neil Rhonemus uses Facebook and other social media sites to tell his farm’s story. He uses social media as a tool to directly connect with consumers and provide accurate and precise information regarding his operation and the agriculture industry. Read more about Neil and his operation HERE!

Reeves Family Farms
Three things define Reeves Family Farms: Faith, Family and Farming. For Gerald and Carmela Reeves moving out to the country to raise their four kids presented them with a unique opportunity to instill the values of growing up on a farm. For Gerald, being raised on his family’s farm in Iowa provided him with his love of the industry. When moving to Ohio he knew that he too wanted his own children to have the same opportunity that he had as a child. Carmela and Gerald decided to take that step in 1994 when they moved from Cincinnati to a farm in Brown County. Learn more about the Reeves' family HERE!

Buckeye Valley Beef Cooperative
Bringing a homegrown tradition to your family’s table is a mission of the Buckeye Valley Beef Cooperative located in Brown County, Ohio. They are comprised of four farm families that raise beef cattle to sell in a direct market. The families involved are Ben Parker of Parker Farm Red Angus, Eric and Lori Nethero of Nethero Farms, Adam and Aubrey of Bolender Family Beef and Tyler and Katie Spiller of Spiller Family Farm. Learn more about the coop and how you can order you some of their beef today HERE!
Tom Cunningham
Tom Cunningham is no stranger to the insurance industry. For the last 24 years Tom has been an employee of American Modern Insurance. He is a claim supervisor and is responsible for southern Louisiana and southern Texas. Learn more about Tom's story HERE!
Deere Creek Farms
You could say farming is just in their blood for Tim and Betty Jo Ratliff. When visiting their farm, you quickly notice that it is not your typical farm, as they have an array of areas they specialize in. Their love for the land and the farming way of life is evident almost immediately.Learn more about their farm HERE!
We are so blessed with great customers. We would love to visit more of our customers. If you would like us to feature you next, please contact us!