Pumpkin Palooza - Paul Hall & Associates

In 2013 we started our First Annual Pumpkin Palooza. Since then, we have made a tradition of having this event at our Georgetown location. If you come visit the Pumpkin Palooza you will receive a free pumpkin from our pumpkin patch. We purchase all of our pumpkins from local pumpkin producers. We also provide free food and drinks at the event along with some fun activities such as a table to paint your pumpkins on and apple bobbing.
Since our first Palooza, we have offered two contests for people of all ages to enter; a coloring contest and a pumpkin baking contest. You can even enter both if you want!
- We put our coloring page out about a month in advance so that you have time to color your page the way you want to. We have had some really creative people in the past even use things like real leaves, cotton balls and pumpkin seeds on their coloring page for a 3D effect! Our cash prize winners are all based on age groups so that we can judge as fairly as possible.
- Our pumpkin baking contest has also been a huge success and only has one rule, there must be pumpkin in your dessert! We provide all our entries a $10 gift card just for entering. We bring in judges from out of town to judge the entries of the baking contest and pick the winners. All our entries then become the food for the rest of the day so that you can enjoy all the great pumpkin baked goods of our local bakers.
Our 4th Annual Pumpkin Palooza was a great day! Stay tuned for our 5th Annual Pumpkin Palooza date and information!
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