Scholarship and Grants- Paul Hall & Associates
Educator Mini Grant
As a teacher or advisor, have you ever thought of a project that would truly open the eyes of your students? Unfortunately, you didn't have the funds to complete. This mini grant program is for such a case.
We are looking for "out of the box" projects with more than 20 participants. Ultimately, the sky is the limit. Grants are from $500 to $2,500.
Expand Your Horizon
To provide financial support if you are selected to represent your state as an officer or contestant at a national contest.
Overseas Missionary
We are so blessed to live in the United States of America. This program was developed to help someone go with an organized group to a foreign land
to provide humanitarian aid.
After First Year Scholarship
As a senior in high school, you may qualify for scholarships. Our scholarship is only for students who have completed their first year of college or technical school with at least a C average. Applications are due by November 1st. Priority will be given to students studying agriculture or a background in 4-H or FFA. Up to $2,000 a scholarship will be given.