"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." --John Maxwell
As Boss’s Day is upon us, we have been reflecting on just how blessed we are to have Paul as our boss, the leader of the Paul Hall & Associates family. We've always know how lucky we are to call him Boss....but over the last 18 months, we've also learned just how blessed we are to have him leading us through unprecedented times. The above quote signifies the type of leader we see in Paul regularly. He doesn't JUST give orders and expect results. He finds the best plan of action, puts it into play and then rides along with us on the journey. He is never too big to do the little things and show us exactly how to be a compassionate and caring leader...every single day.
As a staff, we spent some time doing something you shouldn’t … we spent some time talking behind Paul’s back! Here are some of the thoughts our work family shared about the man we call our boss, leader, commander and chief, the H’ster and most beloved PH.
"You will never find a boss like Paul. I find myself calling him another dad, mentor, and one of my greatest supporters. This spring I went camping and left a very key piece of equipment 35 minutes away. Lucky for me Paul’s house was within 10 minutes. I called and asked to borrow what we needed. Paul’s response displays the character that is so vital to his success. “Whatever I can do to help, you know where to find it”. He always puts others first, in business, family, and friends. He is one of the most selfless people I know. People are always shocked when I tell them I am still at my first ‘real’ job. If they ever worked for Paul they would understand. Thank you Paul for all you do!" Stephanie Meyer
Dad has always been a mentor for me in life, but especially in my business. When the opportunity arose to come back and join him, even though it meant not longer being my own boss, I knew that things would be fine because he is such a caring, honest and genuine person. While I never expected to have another “boss” after I started my own business, I couldn’t ask for a better one than him. He taught me so much about caring for and taking care of your employees and I am confident that helped me over the years. I am forever grateful for everything he has taught me, done for me, and continues to do for me. Happy Boss’s Day dad!" - Caroline Hall Hennig
Thanks Paul for never asking us to do something you, yourself, wouldn’t do. If we are doing what you like to call “grunt jobs” we are always assured you will be right there next to us doing it too. Thank you for showing us the meaning of charity and allowing us the opportunities to better our communities.
"To me Paul is the charismatic leader of PHA and also in his community. He is someone full of knowledge and wisdom from his years of experience as a small business owner. He genuinely cares about giving back to the community and giving his employees the opportunity to have a life outside of work. PHA is a successful company, but it is also a company that feels like a family and that starts at the top. I think when Paul set out to start PHA he wanted to do things differently than bigger corporate companies. In the last 14 months I have been on board I would have to say he has succeeded at creating a unique and successful company more than he probably imagined. I believe he was way ahead of the game in letting employees know they are valued and appreciated which is what makes PHA and Paul Hall unique. Yes, he is a driven businessman, but before all of that he is a charismatic leader that genuinely cares about the people around him." – Marcus Day
“Paul is not only someone great to work for but just a great person to have in your life. He just gives and gives with no expectation of getting anything in return. If he can do something to help someone out he will. For example, my husband, Jason, had some big decisions to make with the company he works for and Paul was one of the first people we thought of to get advice from. And he was right there willing to help.”-Lillian McConnaughey
"One Memory I have is the day I got my insurance license it wasn’t 10mins after I called the office to let Linda know that I was now officially licensed and I had PH calling me to congratulate me on getting my license for insurance and that he couldn’t wait to see where I would go in the company with this. Little did I know I would still be here one license renewal and 3 years later as part of the billing team. So, thanks to PH for always believing in his team members and celebrating our triumphs with us!" - Jessica Key

Thanks Paul, for making us a family. Thanks for encouraging heart-felt relationships with our co-workers. Thanks for treating us all like family and encouraging and allowing us to form such tight relationships with one another. Enough so that we cannot wait to share our newest additions with one another... no matter our office location. Thank you for celebrating wins with us, and mourning losses with us. We are blessed to be a part of the PH&A family.
"I feel so Blessed to have Paul for a Boss!! He must be the Most Generous Boss I have ever worked for! I have had some amazing bosses, but Paul is always making things better for us. I want him to know I never take him for granted. He has the mindset of our clients, and his employees always before himself! He isn’t a boss that works 9 to 5 he continues to work 24 hours a day! I honestly don't know when he takes family time. I believe the two are still discussed in some form. Thank you, Paul, for all you do! What do you give to someone like Paul? I wish and pray that he starts taking time for him and his family!! Happy Bosses Day!!" Beckie Tucker"I’ve always known I am very fortunate to work for someone who cares so much about his family, employees, clients, and community. This has been especially evident in the past year and a half through the pandemic.
Who would have ever thought we would see a virus wreak such havoc in our communities and the world, and no one could imagine how long the recovery would take to get back to our new normal, which I think we are still trying to figure out! Through it all, Paul led us while maintaining offices and keeping us employed so we could continue to serve our clients. We got through it (so far anyway) like everyone else… with masks, Lysol, and lots of hand sanitizer, sometimes not-so-pleasant hand sanitizer. Paul was at Sam’s Club one day and was lucky enough to find hand sanitizer in stock when it was a rare commodity, so he bought a case of it to distribute to our six offices knowing us employees could use it and we could set it out so customers could use it too. Worst smelling hand sanitizer I’d ever used… I can’t even put into words to describe the scent. We used it until we could buy some different sanitizer, and I think the final straw was when a client tried to dispense some hand sanitizer from the bottle, and it went all over the fella’s nice button-up shirt! So that was the end of the horrible smelling hand sanitizer, but we must admit that Paul’s intentions were good!
Paul also had us work us in teams A and B for a couple months at the beginning of the pandemic, so that if one team got exposed or sick, the other team would then be able to work and keep the office going and our clients wouldn’t lose out on the same great customer service he has worked so diligently to build over the past 30+ years. It was still a stressful time with teams working alternating days and abbreviated hours, but we were considered essential, so at least we were allowed to work. I realized my appreciation for my job even more as it gave me purpose during that surreal time of the shutdown and the rest of the summer when things were so limited. Paul made that possible.
I am grateful to work for Paul Hall and the Paul Hall & Associates Insurance Agency. Thank you, Paul, for being such a sound businessperson and boss and just an overall kind and caring individual. The world is a better place because of you! Happy Boss’s Day!"-Linda Sawyers
Thanks Paul for always pushing us to be our best. For allowing us to thrive. For letting us experience more in life by being a part of Paul Hall & Associates. Thank you for going on adventures with us, and creating once in a lifetime opportunities for us. Thanks for "diving in deep" and truly making our lives better...through the good and the bad.
"I have so many good memories of Paul and so much appreciation for him as a boss. Before I ever worked for him, I worked at the bank and it was not a family environment. I loved my job but I was under a lot of stress. I was told basically the bank came first and I had small children at that time. I left there and did not work for eight months. Paul called me out of the blue and asked me to come to work and I never will forget his words to me, this job will never come before your family. That meant the world to me, he allowed my kids to come after work and do homework and to stop by and visit and I could leave if it was necessary. I tried very hard not to take advantage of this generosity. I have seen him go above and beyond for all of his employees. There are many memories some very humorous but this one I cherish." - Lynn Fee
"The first time I really met Paul was our team party at Sam & Caroline’s house. We played so many games and he was the emcee for most of them. I remember thinking that he may have missed his calling as a game show host! Over the last few years, I’ve grown to love and admire him as the patriarch for the amazing legacy he’s grown. His dedication to customer service is outstanding and I’m proud to be a part of his team." - Beth Perkins
"You are a wonderful man, Paul. Tony & I will never forget the chance you gave a pregnant woman, and the blessed life you helped create for him and I. We love you! What you do matters in insurmountable ways you'll never even truly know!!!" -Kat Jordan (past employee of PHA)
Thanks Paul for always supporting our communities and our youth. Thank you for being such a caring, generous and giving person. Thank you for showing us true leadership by being a leader and role model. Thank you for giving us opportunities most can only dream of.
"I think Paul is different than most bosses in many ways. He truly cares about the lives of his employees- well, his co-workers. He thinks of us as family and co-workers, not just his employees. When he is recognized for something he has accomplished, he always gives credit to his team. He recognizes hard work and passes his bonuses off to his employees. Not very many bosses will do that.
He likes to know what is going on in our personal lives and if there was ever a need, he would help you if at all possible. He and Jill often celebrate our milestones with us attending weddings, graduation parties, baby showers, anniversary celebrations. And, he includes us in their family celebrations as well.
He also recognizes our clients and does not think of them as just a source of income. He truly appreciates the loyalty and support of each one and often gives back to their individual causes. Supporting 4-H and the county fairs, 5k events, car shows, etc. He also does a lot behind the scenes that many people do not know about. And he is humble enough to not want the recognition.
That is a great man. He loves his country and Jesus and is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. This is why I think Paul is a rare type of boss and we are very fortunate to have him as an employer." - Jillian Waits
Thank you, Paul, for making being an employee less of a "job" and more of a lifestyle. Thank you for teaching us hard work through fun tasks (like building a Christmas float when it's 20 degrees outside!). Thank you for expecting the best, so we only become better; as people and as employees. Thank you for showing us exactly what we can be capable of.
Thank you Paul for all you do for us. Thank you for showing us the true meaning of integrity, compassion, kindness and hard work. Have a great Boss's Day!
"The supreme quality of leadership is integrity." --Dwight D. Eisenhower